Hey, there.

This is my first foray into running a blog. As it happens, it coincides with my first foray into a few other things: creating designs for real-world items, learning to paint for realsies, becoming a druid, taking my health very seriously… You might say I keep myself busy. Aside from all the new stuff, I’m generally pushing my skills in art and animation, working on making awesome stories to art about, reading whatever I can grab whenever I can find the time, and trying to figure out how to life like a more optimal human. I have a few slow-burn projects that I’m trying to build alongside my skillset, and I like to help my friends with theirs when the opportunity arises.

So, why the blog?

First, I think, is that I want to make a place where I can keep myself accountable to my goals, because I like to wage guerilla warfare against the temptation to hold myself to lower standards of operation than I’d really prefer - and if I do slack off, then at least I can’t hide from it. This goes hand-in-hand with my love of documentation; I benefit quite a lot from having a comprehensive view of everything I’m up to and how I’m working through it, and maybe someone else out there will benefit from a thing that I share here. Either way, it’ll be an interesting challenge to develop a blog that I can be proud of, and it does some double-duty as an opportunity to sharpen up my writing and communication skills. Pretty neat stuff.

This is also a place where I figure that people who know me can peek in every now and then to see where my life is at and where I’m up to, without being gated by social media or having to wait an indeterminate amount of time for an awkward 3-minute phone call back (or worse: a text). I haven’t yet figured out how to balance getting things done with being available.

Once I get comments online, and maybe some kind of alert or some shiz, perhaps this might be an alright way to assure people that I’m neither dead nor wallowing in some sort of miserable destitution (or, if I am, what the plan is to kick my own ass and get back to it).

And why am I starting now, before I’ve mastered the whole jekyll-static-site-etc. and polished? Well, the design of the site is less important than the content, and my ability to post it. Technically, this is functional - and now that it’s functional, it’s time to take the hard first step and put it to use. The rest will come with time.

What to expect:

Updates on life and projects, observations, reflections, random thoughts, summaries of cool stuff I’ve learned, challenges I’m doing… This is basically my thought space, as well as a hub for my varied endeavors.


  • I’m still learning how to jekyll, so the site itself is a WIP
  • Opinions are subject to change based on new information
  • Updates will be sporadic
  • Explicit language sorta just exists in my vocabulary, and I’m not presently convinced it’s worth filtering. It’s not meant to offend.

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